5/25/2005 - 9/11/2012
Ch. Cameliard's Coals to Newcastle x Cameliard's Elizabeth Anne
If a man does not embrace his past, he has no future.
~Ardeth Bay, The Mummy Returns
Evie was our pick puppy from Hugo's third litter. She had an extremely sweet disposition, in spite of growing up with six rough-and-tumble brothers. Evie retained the qualities we admired in her sire while improving on them in some areas, and carried quite a bit of her grandmother, Nettie, in her. Evie was bred by our friend, Liz Bistline, and we'd like to thank her for both her faith in Hugo, and for letting this girl come to us in spite of how much she wanted to keep her! Evie was shown sparingly and garnered a couple of points, but she was completely disinterested in showing and had the attention span of a gnat, so we let her retire from the ring early.
Evie's call name came from one of my guilty secrets: I am a big fan of Stephen Sommers' "Mummy" movies, and the main female character in those movies is called Evie. Her registered name was inspired by the fact that she so strongly resembled her great-grandmother, Ch. Villa's Raven of Cameliard, combined with the DVD Scene Selection for The Mummy Returns, in which the scene where Evie has a flashback to ancient Egypt is titled "Vision of the Past".
We lost Evie suddenly on September 11, 2012 to the dreaded cardiomyopathy (ARVC). One minute she was counter-surfing, impatiently waiting for breakfast, and the next minute she was gone. Evie's death is a clear example of how important annual holter monitoring is; in June 2011 her holter had 16 singles. She was in season in June/July 2012, so we delayed her holter; she had two episodes of syncope the week prior to her death, and we ran the holter on September 6. Unfortunately we got the results back too late, but on the holter she had 4,200 VPCs with 24 pairs. (Still not an extremely horrible result -- no runs, and though clearly affected many Boxers have holters with tens of thousands of VPCs -- but for Evie, it was obviously problematic. It's also quite possible, and perhaps likely, that she was having a "good" day during that particular 24-hour period, and she had more VPCs or at least more runs on other days.) We will forever play the "what if" game about Evie -- if we had done the holter earlier, perhaps we would have put her on meds and perhaps she'd still be with us -- but hindsight is 20/20 and we can only do the best we know at the time.
Rest easy, sweet girl -- you were The Best One.
Evie's Puppy
Freedom Litter
By Ch. Weston's Cry For Freedom
Whelped 11/12/09
Newcastle-Cameliard's Freedom Fighter - William
Evie's Win Pictures
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| Ingham County Kennel Club November 29, 2008 Winners Bitch, Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex Judge Mrs. Anne Marie Taylor
No Photo | Richland County Kennel Club July 23, 2006 Reserve Winners Bitch Judge Ms. Victoria M. Jordan-Leichner
| Detroit Kennel Club March 3, 2007 Winners Bitch 1 point Judge Mrs. Robert S. Forsyth
5 months old
13 weeks old
7 weeks old
Candid photos of Emma and Evie
Photos of Evie & her littermates.