
Whelped 12-10-2008
Ch. Weston's Cry for Freedom, SOM x CR One Hot Mama
Better one byrde in hand than ten in the wood.
~John Heywood, Dialogue on Wit and Folly, c. 1530

After losing both Hugo and Linus within a few weeks of each other, we were without a male Boxer in our home for quite some time, and sorely missing it! We had a houseguest for the summer, Cole, but he was always meant to be a temporary resident and soon enough was needed at his new home. We had long planned on keeping a male puppy from Emma's or Evie's first litters (or both!) but a series of missed breedings had us feeling pessimistic about the whole thing. At about the time that we'd found out that Evie's breeding didn't take, and we weren't yet sure if Emma's breeding did, Rick and Cindy Walunas at CR Boxers offered us a male puppy from their Abe-Lily litter.
After some discussion and reflection, we decided to accept their generous offer, figuring that we'd be foolish not to take an exceptional puppy that we knew was available, and instead wait perhaps another two years before we had one from our own breeding to keep. Hunter has fit into our home with ease and has that typical "Abey-baby" temperament that we so love! We're very excited to see how he matures - Hunter is from a repeat breeding of Ch. CR Belle of the Ball, who won her class at the ABC National her first time in the ring (at six months, four days old) and finished her Championship with two Specialty majors just out of the 12-18 class. Hunter didn't have quite the career his big sister did, but he finished at 21 months with a Specialty major win and several major/Specialty Reserve wins!
Of course Hunter's registered name pretty much chose itself - a "Bird in the Hand" decision if ever there was one! We have had some questions about the name, as some have interpreted it to imply we were "settling". Nothing could be further from the truth! If we hadn't thought Hunter was an outstanding puppy, it would have been easy to wait for one of our own. We do have a sort of history of "tongue-in-cheek" names; after all, Hugo was named "Coals to Newcastle", a phrase which describes something that is completely unnecessary (and obviously, we didn't acutally feel that way about Hugo!). Hunter's call name goes back to some of the suspected origins of the phrase, as a caution both to those who hunted for birds and those who hunted with them.
Hunter is co-owned with Cindy Walunas and Ginger Johnson.

Hunter's Win Pictures
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| Butler County Kennel Club September 24, 2011 Winners Dog, Best of Winners 3-point major **New Champion** Judge Ms. Angela J. Porpora
| Miami Valley Boxer Club June 30, 2011 Winners Dog 3-point major Judge Mr. Brian Meyer
 | American Boxer Club National Specialty May 12, 2011 Third, Open Brindle Dogs Judge Mrs. Shirley Bell
| Livonia Kennel Club January 20, 2011 Winners Dog 1 point Judge Dr. Alvin Krause
| Richland County Kennel Club December 18, 2010 Winners Dog 1 point Judge Mr. Hal T. Bierman
| Medina Kennel Club December 17, 2010 Winners Dog, Best of Winners 1 point Judge Mrs. Jean Fournier
 | Lorain County Kennel Club December 16, 2010 Winners Dog, Best of Winners 1 point Judge Mrs. Bonnie Linnell Clarke
| Agathon Kennel Club November 28, 2010 Winners Dog, Best of Winners 1 point Judge Mr. Donavon Thompson
| Boxer Club of Western New York November 20, 2010 Reserve Winners Dog (To a 4-point major) Judge Mrs. Joan Johnson
 | Kalamazoo Kennel Club November 13, 2010 Winners Dog 2 points Judge Mr. Norman B. Kenney
 | Jaxon Kennel Club September 4, 2010 Winners Dog, Best of Winners 1 point Judge Dr. Mary Helene (Mimi) Brown
 | American Boxer Club National Specialty May 12, 2010 Third, Open Brindle Dogs (Class of 14) Judge Mr. Jack Ireland
 | American Boxer Club Futurity May 11, 2010 Fourth, 15-18 Month Brindle Dogs Judge Mr. Clifford Steele
| Fort St. Clair Kennel Club May 1, 2010 Winners Dog 1 point Judge Ms. V. M. Jordan
 | Georgia Boxer Club September 17, 2009 Best Junior Dog Judge Mr. Jason Starr
 | Muncie Kennel Club August 15, 2009 Best Puppy in Breed Judge Mr. Robert Moore
 | Mahonig-Shenango Kennel Club August 2, 2009 Reserve Winners Dog (From the 6-9 Puppy class) Judge Mr. Everett Dean

16 weeks